Wastewater Treatment Case Studies

Wastewater Lagoon Treatment Case Studies

Case Study #1

Sludge: Sludge removal cost for cells 1 & 2 was $300,000.00+. Our lagoon program reduced sludge levels by 25% in year 1,saving $75,000.00 in removal costs.

H2S/Odor: This wastewater treatment lagoon averaged six odor complaints per year. After the program took full effect, there were 0 complaints.

Aeration costs: To help increase their dissolved oxygen numbers, two aerators were in use with a cost of $1,500.00 per month, plus man hours for maintenance and repair. Three months into our lagoon program, dissolved oxygen numbers increased, and the aerators were retired.

Parameters    2009

BOD 50.00 11.00
TSS 70.00 26.00
DO 7.90 14.00
Amm 2.18 1.00
Phos 3.84 1.23

Case Study #2

Sludge: removal cost was 25% greater than average due to high metal content in the sludge. The sludge levels see 10% reduction annually each year it was measured with the Clearbrooke Technologies proactive pretreatment program.

Odor Control: Before our program, the customer had extensive odor from Cell #1 and the main lift station in town.  After one week, all odors vanished and there was no odor from spring turn-over.

Parameters Before After
BOD 2.40 2.30
DO 9.25 12.40
Amm 6.70 .69
Phos 4.90 1.54
Fecal Coliform 76.00 10.00