Plant-based cleaning products with
the power of enzymes

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Banexa Refresh

Banexa Multi

Banexa Pro

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Affordable, safe, eco-friendly products that work well

When my son was almost three, I was getting divorced, and we were moving into our own place. We had to start from scratch. The house was filthy, so we went to the supermarket and bought all the basics – from mops to cleaners. I filled up our cart and ended up spending about a week’s pay. When I got home, I realized that we didn’t buy any food. We were able to grab some fast food, but I realized, how are women in worse positions than I, supposed to manage in situations like this? 

Everyone deserves affordable products that actually work well, while being safe for them, their pets and our planet. And so, Banexa was born!

The Clearbrooke team and I hope you enjoy these products as much as we do.
